Register for GenCyber NW Cyber Camp @ Portland Community College

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GenCyber NW Cyber Camp 2024 Registration Form – Portland Community College

NW Cyber Camp at PCC will be held from July 29th through August 2nd.

Filling out this form will register your student for cyber camp and reserve their spot within our program. Registration and attendance is free. After completing this form a member of NW Cyber Camp staff will review and provide confirmation of your registration within 2 business days.

While registration will reserve your spot in camp, additional application materials are required and must be completed within 10 days of your registration. Families who are unable to fully complete and provide all of the items listed below within 10 days of initial registration risk their spot in camp being forfeit. All waivers and releases, once completed, must be emailed to [email protected].

Required documents:

  • A teacher letter of recommendation/support.
  • Completed set of waivers and releases (download)

Please direct any questions to [email protected]

This camp is funded by GenCyber and supported by NW Cyber Camp. NW Cyber Camp is administered by the Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at Portland State University

The co-ed classroom is now full but we are still accepting registrations for our waitlist

  • Waitlisted students who have completed all of the required documents listed above will be invited to class on a first-come-first-serve basis if/when new spots become available.
  • Registration is still available for the PCC Girls-Focused classroom.
  • Co-ed registration is also available at Clackamas Community College.

Camp Selection

Attendee Information

Please provide information about the individual who will be attending camp.

Attendee Name
Join Student E-Mail List
Our student mailing list is used to make students aware of student-focused opportunities such as educational events, career fairs, and other cybersecurity events targeting our student population. Parents will always be copied on all student-targeted emails.
Does the attendee have any food or other allergies we should know about?

Guardian/Household Information

Please provide information about one legal guardian of the individual who will be attending camp. This individual will be our primary guardian contact.

Parent Name
Join Parent E-Mail List
Our parent mailing list is used to make parents aware of NW Cyber Camp news, future camps, and future student cybersecurity events.
Mailing Address

Emergency Contact

Please provide at least one emergency contact. In the case of an emergency while your student is attending camp, emergency contacts will be contacted in the order listed below when the primary guardian contact is not available or unresponsive to contact attempts.

Emergency Contact 1 Name
Emergency Contact 2
Emergency Contact 3

Misc. Questions and Acknowledgements

Who is completing this registration?
A teacher letter of recommendation or support will be required to finalize registration.
In order to attend NW Cyber Camp, a letter of recommendation or support from one of the student’s current teachers must be provided. This letter must be provided via email to [email protected] within 10 days of registration.
While registration reserves a spot in camp, additional steps will be required in order to fully complete a registration.
While registration will reserve your spot in camp, a completed set of waivers and releases must be provided to [email protected] within 10 days of registration.
Each student's guardian must complete all of the required releases and waivers to finalize their student's registration.
Due to the nature of our camps, we are not able to exclude individual students from photos and video recordings. Parents or guardians who are unable to complete any required release or waiver will surrender their student’s NW Cyber Camp reservation.
The information in this form is being collected by NW Cyber Camp and will be shared with your selected camp host institution.
The information in this form is being collected by NW Cyber Camp, a program working in partnership with University of Oregon and administered by the Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at Portland State University. The information provided will only ever be shared with the campus hosting the camp that you selected. NW Cyber Camp will not share you or your student’s information with any other third parties.

Optional Demographic Questions

In order to help better accomodate future student populations, please consider answering the following demographic questions. For questions specific to an indivdual, please answer on behalf of the student who will be attending camp.